I am not a huge supporter of out-of-wedlock pregnancies, but I know things happen and you can't judge a man unless you are in his shoes. The only man I could come close to judging is Tuface. As you know, Tu-baba has the habit ( I call it a habit!) of impregnating multiple girls at the same time. He is currently expecting another baby from Annie Marcauley.....but be informed, Pero Adeniyi has already delivered Tubaba's first set of twins (more coming?), Tubaba announced this himself on his facebook page, yup, he's impregnanting and announcing as well. I have lost count of how many kids he has but I guess he's aiming at becoming the next Bob Marley or Fela, but come on! not in 2008, commodity prices are rising! Tuface is simply raising the already bursting population of Nigeria. I wonder what kind of love tuface gives that keeps these ladies so addicted to him. Could it be that they are in love? in lust? in love-with-money? It really couldn't be money because most of these ladies are doing well for themselves. But how do you love someone who's in love? with multiple people? I guess it's a cultural thing because in the part of Nigeria where I come form, polygamy is not very popular and Annie is from my state.......
We should have seen Tuface's multiple impregnating scheme coming though. Remember in his African Queen video, there wasn't one queen, not two but THREE.....so we really had it coming, he was sending us a hidden message that he intends to put as many African girls in the family-way as he can.
My question now is, so who's next? Which artist is the next to casually increase the population of Nigeria. It seems like a pattern, Nigerian girls are trying to stick that claws into this new-found-fame-riches of these artistes. Recently Tony Tetuila denied a pregnancy a girl in London was pinning on him and btw, Tony Tetuila is married but he did not deny having a relationship with the girl.
Juicyyyyyyyyy.....It's fame that is attracting the this trend... I call it Star* Power.
I hope they are paying child support o! Suck them dry, while you can :)
this the life style of the rich and famous